July 09, 2020 – 10:00-11:00AM CEST



Webinar Series: The Future of eCommerce

This webinar series explores how eCommerce has come of age, in the pandemic era eCommerce adoption will be redefining leading brands.

Direct to Consumer and the Impact of Amazon

Series 01 Episode 01

eCommerce giant Amazon has proven, at the Direct to Customer is a powerful model that consumers are coming to expect.

As this model is rapidly becoming a part of the new normal, we explore how adopting ‘direct to customer’ in a brand’s sales and marketing strategy will define the leading brands of tomorrow.

In this first webinar, talks from two highly experienced senior digital marketing professionals Emmanuel Arendarcyzk (UK/FR) former Google executive and founder of Zesta, as well as Markus Varsikko (FI) the leading authority on Amazon in the Nordics and founder of Dash Retail.

July 09, 2020 – 10:00-11:00AM CEST

This webinar series explores how eCommerce has come of age, in the pandemic era eCommerce adoption will be redefining leading brands.