Brandformance Marketing Unveiled


The digital age continues to have an impact on marketing, where trends emerge, evolve, and sometimes vanish in the blink of an eye, staying ahead of the curve is not just an option; it’s a necessity. Performance marketing has hit the marketing world being seen as being in the opposite corner of brand marketing.

At the first Agency Leadership Forum Copenhagen event, Chris Kubbernus, CEO and Founder of Social Media Agency Kubbco gave a talk under the theme future of marketing, where he spoke about Brandformance, the hybrid of brand and performance marketing.

Unveiling Brandformance Marketing: A Fusion of Branding and Performance

Brand marketing’s objectives focus on building and enhancing brand awareness, reputation, and affinity among target audiences, where performance marketing is primarily focused on driving specific, measurable actions or conversions, such as website visits, lead generation, sales, or app downloads.

Chris Kubbernus, CEO of a prominent social media agency, recently shed light on an intriguing concept that’s been causing ripples in the marketing realm: Brandformance Marketing.

The Catalysts Behind Brandformance’s Rise

Originating from Kubbernus’s insightful talk at the Agency Leadership Forum (Held in Copenhagen April 2024), Brandformance Marketing is essentially the amalgamation of branding and performance. It’s about harmonizing objectives on both fronts – enhancing brand presence while achieving tangible performance metrics. But why the sudden buzz around this novel approach?

Navigating the Digital Shift: Challenges and Opportunities

The landscape of digital marketing has been undergoing a seismic shift, driven by several factors. Kubbernus aptly points out the upheaval caused by the cookie-less world and the challenges associated with dwindling third-party data availability. The data landscape is evolving, with platforms like Facebook and Google undergoing transformative changes, leaving marketers grappling with uncertainty regarding data accuracy and efficacy.

However, with this disruptive change, come new opportunities for brands to take on. The advent of platforms like TikTok and the surge in video marketing have opened up new avenues for creativity and storytelling. Kubbernus notes a refreshing return to basics in advertising, reminiscent of the iconic Mad Men era, where creativity took precedence over relentless pursuit of performance metrics.

Central to the Brandformance ethos is the symbiotic relationship between human ingenuity and artificial intelligence. With AI algorithms becoming more adept at optimization, marketers are liberated from mundane tasks, allowing them to focus on crafting compelling narratives and resonating content.

Kubbernus underscores the importance of humor and authenticity in modern marketing endeavors. He cites an ingenious campaign by Icelandair, which humorously tackled the “problem” of tourists unwilling to leave Iceland. This departure from conventional marketing tropes not only garnered attention but also translated into tangible business results, with a significant uplift in sales and search traffic.

Furthermore, Brandformance Marketing advocates breaking stereotypes and embracing authenticity. Kubbernus applauds Ford’s portrayal of a female mechanic in a matter-of-fact manner, shunning traditional gender norms. Such authentic representations resonate with diverse audiences and foster genuine connections with brands.

The Rise of User-Generated and Lo-Fi Content

In the age of ad fatigue, user-generated content (UGC) and lo-fi content emerge as powerful tools for engagement. Kubbernus emphasizes the need for brands to eschew traditional ad formats and embrace more organic, relatable content styles. Whether it’s Maybelline’s immersive CGI campaign or Stanley’s serendipitous marketing coup, seizing cultural moments and listening to audience sentiments can lead to impactful marketing endeavors.

Social Media’s Evolution: From Interaction to Entertainment

Looking ahead, Kubbernus predicts a transformation in social media dynamics, with platforms evolving into media consumption hubs rather than interactive forums. Brands must adapt by prioritizing entertainment value and engaging storytelling to capture the fleeting attention spans of modern consumers.

Brandformance Marketing: Bridging Art, Science, and Connection

In essence, Brandformance Marketing heralds a paradigm shift in the way brands approach digital marketing. By blending the art of storytelling with the science of performance metrics, brands can navigate the evolving digital landscape with agility and authenticity, ultimately fostering deeper connections with their audiences. As Kubbernus aptly concludes, it’s not just about marketing products; it’s about shaping culture and communities, paving the way for enduring brand success in an ever-changing world.

5 Suggested actions points for brand professionals

Here are 5 take away actions that we put forward from Chris’s talk.

  1. Embrace Brandformance Marketing: Marketers should adopt the Brandformance approach, aligning branding efforts with performance metrics. This entails harmonizing brand-building activities with measurable objectives to drive tangible results and enhance brand presence simultaneously.
  2. Stay Ahead of Digital Shifts: With the digital marketing landscape constantly evolving, marketers must stay vigilant and adapt to emerging trends and challenges. Proactively monitor changes in data privacy regulations, platform algorithms, and consumer behaviors to pivot strategies effectively and capitalize on new opportunities.
  3. Foster Creativity and Authenticity: Invest in creative storytelling that resonates with audiences on a personal level. Embrace authenticity by challenging stereotypes and representing diverse perspectives in marketing campaigns. Incorporating humor and relatable content can help humanize brands and forge genuine connections with consumers.
  4. Leverage AI for Optimization: Embrace the power of artificial intelligence to streamline marketing processes and enhance campaign optimization. By leveraging AI algorithms for tasks like data analysis, targeting, and personalization, marketers can free up time to focus on strategic initiatives and creative endeavors.
  5. Experiment with User-Generated and Lo-Fi Content: Explore the potential of user-generated content (UGC) and lo-fi content formats to engage audiences authentically. Encourage user participation and collaboration, leveraging UGC to amplify brand messaging and foster a sense of community. Experiment with lo-fi content styles to capture attention in a cluttered digital landscape and showcase brand personality in a genuine and relatable manner.
Chris Kubbernus

Chris Kubbernus

This article is a report from Chris Kubbernus’s talk at the Agency Leadership Forum – Copenhagen 11 April 2024.

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About Chris Kubbernus
Chris Kubernus is the Founder and CEO of Kubbco, a pioneering social media agency based in Europe and North America that launched in 2016. They specialize in driving engagement and attention on social media, partnering with industry leaders such as Novo Nordisk, Olaplex, Icelandair, Metro, and many others. Chris is a seasoned keynote speaker with over 100 engagements worldwide, including landmark events like Ungagged in London and Las Vegas.