27 August 2020, Copenhagen Denmark: The Brand Leadership Community had it’s first advisory group meeting at the Accrease offices. 21 branding professional attended from Denmark, UK, Ireland, The Netherlands and Australia to discuss some founding ideas and directions. Below are key points and initiatives discussed.

About the Advisory Group

The advisory group together drive the directions and narrative of the community through events, webinars, meet-ups & content. The aim is to collect a sample of highly experienced professionals in branding, to help enable others with similar values to striving towards brand excellence.

The advisory group membership a voluntary role, but the benefits as a member of this group are building their personal brand, through building their relationships with each other and the global industry. The first round of members have been carefully hand picked and personally invited, with the aim to have 50 advisors that act as a ‘look alike audience’ of the Global Brand industry.

The Webinar Schedule

2 webinars a month will be produced with recurring themes such as the Future of E-commerce, the Future of Marketing and Brand Leadership for the CxO. The webinar calendar will be reviewed by the group members with an opportunity for them to get involved as speakers.

City Chapter Setup

London and Copenhagen will set up its own local Brand Leadership Community chapters to run localised events and to assist in sourcing content, subject matter experts and training.

Innovation lab

The Innovation Lab will be run within the advisory group and will expand as an option for members to take part in. This will include the testing of technologies to evaluate and develop a level of expertise from the tools.


Annette Skovbølling, Casper Pedersen, Christina Elmark, Disney Yapa, Emmauel Arendarczyk, Faizan Syed, Gerard Whelan, Harold Janson, Sarah Grande-Hill, Jacob Nielsen, Jens Nielsen, Jens Ulrik Lange, Jomar Reyes, Jonas Nielsen, Kristian Kronhn Kjurhuus, Marta Saratowicz, Martin Van Vreeden, Martin Madsen, Mads Smith, Nish Wickramasinghe, Olivia Stokholm, Peter Meyer, Steen Rasmussen.

Note from Jomar Reyes – Founding Advisor

It was an honour to see a collection of inspirational minds gather, not at the same place, but at the same time. For me it was an historic moment to look back on in many years from now, and remember the magic of connecting some great people together.

I look forward to see the above initiatives (And more) come to fruition, and I hope that we as the advisory group, can help steer our industry through these changing times and into the unknowns of the new world ahead.

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Announcement of Brand Leadership Community Webinars